Monday, May 21, 2007

Tentative Schedule until June 10

From the Prof to you. Please note that this is only a tentative schedule, to help you plan your research and side trips that you decide to do.

22.May (Meet in hotel lobby at 7:45 AM)
8 AM - Opening of joint activities with Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR
2 PM - Lectures: SMU (Municipal Secretariat of Urbanism) . Secretary Luiz Fernando Jamur; SAM (Municipal Secretariat for Metropolitan Issues)

23.May (Meet in hotel lobby at 7:45 AM)
8 AM - Joint activities with Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR
2 PM - Lectures at UFPR: Prof. Key Imaguire, History of Brazilian Architecture; Prof. Dr. Aloísio Leôni Schmid, Two Effects of Electricity Infrastructure on the Urban Environment: distribution wiring and street lighting – PD07

24.May-28.May - Individual Research / Free Time

29.May (Meet in hotel lobby at 7:45 AM)
8 AM - Joint activities with Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR
12 PM - Shopping Jardim das Américas (Lunch)
2 PM - UFPR . Lectures: Profa. Dra. Cristina de Araújo Lima, and Profa. Dra. Gislene Pereira, Vazios Urbanos em Curitiba: Desafios para a Implementação do IPTU Progressivo no Tempo

30.May (Meet in hotel lobby at 7:45 AM)
8 AM - Joint activities with Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR
Afternoon - Individual Research

31.May (Meet in hotel lobby at 7:45 AM)
8 AM - UFPR . Lecture: Arq. Bóris Madsen, The City v. Periphery Debate – Auditorium Léo Grossman
12 PM - Shopping Jardim das Américas (Lunch)
2 PM - UFPR . Lecture: Profa. Eneida Kuchpil, Densidade e Verticalização em Curitiba – Auditorium Léo Grossman

1 June - morning of 4 June - Individual Research / Free Time

2 PM - UFPR . Lecture: Prof. Luiz Henrique Fragomeni – Auditorium Léo Grossman

5.Jun (Meet in hotel lobby at 7:45 AM)
8 AM - UFPR Lectures: Arq. Profa. Rafaela Fortunato, Subsídios à Prevenção e Controle das Inundações Urbanas – Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Belém
2 PM - UFPR Lectures: Profa. Dra. Maria Luiza Marques Dias, Planejamento e Patrimônio: um conflito negociado; Profa. Lisana Kátia Schmitz, Centro Integrado de Estudos em Geoprocessamento (CIEG)

6 June-11 June - Individual Research / Free Time

11 June-22 June - To be determined

1 comment:

Renata said...

Hi you guys!
Just to remind you that Renata will be out of town this weekend, from Friday night until Sunday night (05/25, 05/27).

Saturday night you were all invited to Marina's birthday party at Taboo.

There is another tip from our logistic team regarding a "feira" at Parque Barigui, ask Steph if you are interested in going.

Aproveitem Curitiba!