Thursday, May 31, 2007

Week 3 recap...

It has been now three weeks that we have been in Brasil. Boy how times fly. Its now the half way point of the course. Now we have had the opportunity to hear from many aspects of planning and city function here in Curitiba. Hopefully things will now come together as to our particular projects, and to whom we should seek more information from based on their presentations.

Anywho, to a recap on the week's events.

Tuesday brought the class back together to go to UFPR, where we attened a studio session with the local class. We went around groups, and offered criticisms and suggestions as to their project to revitalize a city block behind the city Cathedral near Praza Tiradentes. The afternoon, we heard a very comprehensive, yet critical lecture of Curitiba and its planning from former IPPUC head Dr. Luis Fragomeni.

Tuesday night, the class had a pow-wow, hosted by one of our classmates, where we conjured up ideas that we could present to the local class that could help them in their project. We hoped to bring new ideas from our research, and from other workshops and conferences we had attended to them.

Wednesday, it was game time, as our class took the lecturn, and presented new ideas to the local class. Before that, did anyone notice the weather? IT WAS COLD!!!! Try 32 degrees for a morning low. According to meteorologists, it was the coldest May in 138 years.

From on Tuesday:

South America Cold Snap
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

May 29, 2007

--Day two of a Southern cold snap centered upon Argentina. Down to -16 -8 lower readings, be they nearby or elsewhere. The wedge of cold air that thrust northward behind the leading cold front lapped against the foothills of northern Argentina and southern Bolivia. At Salta, Argentina, snow flurries were sighted early today (Tuesday morning). Even as I write, it has been no `warmer` than 3

At the heart of this cold wave is a strong high building northeast from eastern Patagonia. It will settle over Uruguay and eastern Argentina Wednesday before heading seaward off southern Brasil. In heading seaward, this high will spare the populous southern heartland of Brasil a hard cold wave, although there will be no mistaking the mid-week chill in areas such as Sao Paulo. No equivalent cold outbreak is indicated by numerical forecasts for at least the next fortnight.

Back to our regular programming...

Topics in our class's lecture included SWOT analysis, Green Architecture, Community Compatibility, Conceptual Thinking, among other events (correct me if I am wrong on those topic titles). But I hope you get the jist. Some students came after our presentation quite intrigued as to the new ideas presented, and wondered where to get more information.

Today, our class had three lectures in which we attened this afternoon. Lecture one related to the real estate prices in the formal and informal market. Lecture two related to a study that pressures more sustainable development and development controls in the environmentally sensitive watershed. Lecture three related a research project by a UFPR Graduate student relating issues in traffic psychology. Specifically, Metropolization Management technology through a psychological lens with a goal of sustainable development.

Anywho, this weekend prompts us to continue our respective research. Good luck with that.

Those who have visa issues to resolve. Meet at the hotel lobby at 10 AM.

Any issues or questions on setting up interviews, speak to the prof or TA.

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